Chart of key concepts
Media audiences
Who is watching? How audiences are identified, constructed, addressed and reached; how audiences find, choose, consume and respond to media texts.
Media technologies
How do they do that? What kinds of technologies are available to whom, how to use them, the differences they make to the production process as well as the final product.
Media agencies/ ownership
Who made/owns what? Who produces the text; roles in production process, media institutions, economics and ideologies, intentions and results.
Media languages
How do they convey meaning? How the media produces meanings; codes and conventions; narrative structure.
Media categories
What is it? Different media (television, radio, cinema, and so on); forms (documentary, advertising, and so on); genres, other ways of categorising text; how categorisation relates to understanding.
Media representation
How are things, places and people portrayed in the media? The relation between media texts and the actual places, people, events, ideas; stereotyping and its consequences.
British Film Institute, (2006, June 21)